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Reine Cramer

Reine Cramer Profile Photo

Musician / Artist

Hi, I'm Reine (pronounced Ren)

I'm a 26 year old musician, and I started experiencing mysterious psycho-somatic symptoms from the age of 19. These included years of insomnia, something called Muscle Tension Dysphonia wherein the muscles in my larynx were so tight I was barely able to use my voice for 6 months, chronic fatigue, night sweats, violent nightmares, anxiety and depression.

In May of 2022, after 7 years of struggling with my mental and physical health, I reached my breaking point and decided to leave my home in Canada where I'd been living for eight years, to move back in with my parents in France. This meant leaving my partner, quitting my job, breaking my lease and hitting refresh on my whole life. That's when I found several neuroplasticity-based healing programs such as Primal Trust, which set me on the path of recovery.

As of April 2023, I can say I have lots of energy and live a full life, I sleep peacefully most nights, and though I of course have my worries and regrets, I no longer have anxiety nor depression. I'm recording music again and am uploading YouTube videos about my personal experiences with what I've been through in the hopes of helping others. Naturally, my life still has its challenges and I'm still very much working on myself, but I am so grateful to Primal Trust and everything it has taught me. It's been a game changer.

Aug. 15, 2023

Healing CFS, Night terrors, night sweats, anxiety & depression with R…

Today's episode is a recovery story with Reine Cramer. She has been having amazing success healing CFS, night terrors, night sweats, anxiety & depression through the Primal Trust Academy & Community. We discuss: The correlati...

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