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Dani Fagan

Dani Fagan Profile Photo


I am the founder of My TMS Journey and specialise in coaching the chronic condition/mind-body medicine community, having healed from years of chronic pain and anxiety using these tools myself. My approach to mind-body healing harnesses the power of the nervous system to help you recover from chronic symptoms by training the body-mind into a place of safety, out of autopilot 'survival mode' releasing distress, fear, frustration, pain and anxiety. My work is particularly beneficial to those suffering from persistent mind-body symptoms, pain, lack of self-compassion, racing thoughts, anxiety, trauma, and any form of emotional or physical distress. I teach gentle mind-body yoga and host regular masterclasses and workshops for the chronic pain community.

March 28, 2023

129: 3 Inspiring Women Share Their Experiences of Turning Their Heali…

"If I want something, it's totally possible, I can get it, I can do it, I can live it, I can be it. As long as I just keep rehearsing the feeling of having it, then I know that it's …

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Oct. 13, 2020

7: My TMS Journey with Dani Fagan

Today’s guest is Dani Fagan, from England. Dani not only has a great story to share but she is wonderful way or sharing full of whit, humor, and an occasional curse word or two, but all in good fun. We …

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