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Carrie Bennett

Carrie Bennett Profile Photo


With multiple degrees in biology, nutrition, and bodywork Carrie's relentless enthusiasm to learn has made her one of the leading educators in the emerging field of quantum biology. She combines deep research & clear explanations of the complex quantum mechanisms at play in the human body to teach you how to use light, water, and nature to thrive. Carrie is a sought-after speaker and guest lecturer. She currently sees clients in her online practice. She is also the lead faculty member and on the Board of Advisors for the Quantum Biology Collective—the world’s premier certification for Applied Quantum Biology in clinical practice.

May 9, 2023

135: How Light, the Ground, & Nature Can Support Our Healing with Car…

This episode is brought to you by CFS School , a nervous system healing program. Learn more today or book your free discovery call by visiting their website . Sign ups for the next Live cohort now available! You can …

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