Where to begin!!! Today is FUN.. It is all about ways to incorporate more fun, laughter and play into our lives...because YES, even adults NEED to play! Life is meant for living, not just adulting :) But today is so much more than that. Astra Rebecca has quite an inspiring recovery story herself...and she is an absolute inspiration for what is possible for all of us on our healing quests. We talk all about Astra's go to daily rituals, epic morning routine for a great day, and rewiring for infinite possibilities beyond general health and well being. She says, "IF they can do it, so can I!" and this is fuel for her to achieve her every next rewiring goal. We ALL deserve a life of radiant joy. We ALL deserve to laugh and play. We all deserve to emerge and thrive. Join us today for a fun filled conversation, and laugh along with us. IF you can't remember how to play or how to incorporate more fun/play into your rewiring or even your life, Astra Rebecca might be the girl for you... Check her out on IG@yayneuroplasticity or check out her website: https://www.yayneuroplasticity.com/ and you can follow her guest blogs @ https://www.rewiringyourwellness.com/blog (tons of other amazing writers hosted on here too!!!)
It takes a tribe guys - so spread the love and share this message today with a friend, on your social media and tag me @ourpoweriswithin
To follow along with my blog check out www.justchaz.com And speaking of play, you will also find info on my playful movement class on my website, or can sign up directly for my FREE virtual classes every Friday @ 10:30am Pacific time @ https://calendly.com/ourpoweriswithin/playful-movement
IF you have an inspiring story you would like to share or for feedback, comments or questions email me @ OurPowerIsWithin@icloud.com
To learn more about DNRS click HERE.
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